Project Love
Your 10 wk, mindset-transformation.
Let's create a life full of love & possibility.
Imagine being the woman who...

Doesn’t care about being ‘perfect’ because she knows
being ‘her’ is enough.
Doesn’t allow any amount of bullshit, judgement, or criticism to pull her down because she’s so anchored into herself and her worth.
Guys want to date and other women want to be around her.
Boldly takes charge of her life and isn’t afraid to settle for anything less than she deserves.
Has all eyes on her as she walks confidently into a room.
You get to be your own version of her...
In fact, by the end of these 10 weeks, you’re going to feel like a completely different person. But it’s okay if right now, this is where you’re at:
You love your friends and family but every time you see their happy relationship news, you can’t help but wonder, ‘when is it my turn?
Am I going to be on my own forever?!’
You want to feel as confident in the dating world as you do in the boardroom, but you’re exhausted with all the dating apps and just want to take the pressure off…
Despite telling your friends and family that you’re ‘done with men’, deep down you want to meet someone, but after dating endless twats, you’re starting to give up hope…
What you’d really like is for someone to enjoy your life with - go on adventures, have picnics in the park, eat at amazing restaurants, go on incredible holidays, share beautiful memories - but it feels like that stuff only happens in movies…
But more than anything, you just want to improve your relationship with yourself, be ok with being by yourself, and deeply know that you deserve more than what you're settling for...
So, whilst right now this might not be your story, I’m here to tell you it absolutely can be… starting right here.

You are not destined to be on your own.
No matter how many times
you tell yourself and everyone around you that you are.
I know it might seem easy for me to say, but trust me, I’ve been where you are. I’ve dated all the arseholes (I’d be top of the podium at the Olympics!) and I genuinely believed I was going to go through life on my own, forever.
I’m not going to downplay it - the dating world is a minefield. There’s so many apps, you could literally sit on your phone all day swiping left and right until your hands went numb - and there’d still be multiple options to go through as the next person and the next creates or updates their dating profiles.
But that’s you too, right? Creating a dating profile, constantly changing your profile picture to make sure you look as dateable as possible, changing your personality traits and interests to see if you get more swipes, desperately trying to create this perfect persona that will attract ‘the one’...
Then you start swiping, and swiping and swiping and swiping. Turning more swipe lefts into swipe rights in the hopes that more swipe back and you have a ‘better chance’ of meeting someone.
And maybe you do meet someone - and even though on that first date, you spot a million red flags, you think, ‘but what if this is it? What if there’s no one else?’ So you settle for a while, before realising you’re better off alone than sharing your life with a complete tool. And so the cycle continues…
Sound familiar?
It’s true when they say you have to love yourself first,
or at least like yourself…

Before you start with the eye rolls, hear me out. Because I’m about to give you some tough love.
The reason it’s not worked out isn’t because ‘all guys are aresholes’. Some of them are, granted, but it’s not ALL THE MEN IN THE WORLD. No, the reason you haven’t found the love of your life yet is because she’s staring right back at you.
And if you really believe that ‘all men are dickheads’ - what do you think you’re going to get? Exactly. What. You. Expect. Yet another dickhead. So, you have to start doing something different. Thinking differently. Expecting something different.
You’ve got to start taking responsibility. You’ve got to start working on yourself and healing your past hurts. And you’ve got to start loving yourself FIRST.
This isn’t about ‘getting your man’.
It’s about so much more.
Listen, you don’t need me to tell you that the clock’s ticking. You know you’re not getting any younger. But here’s the thing - you’re missing out on SO many things because you’re waiting around for ‘the man’ to materialise. I’m talking about booking the holiday, rsvping to the wedding, buying the house, getting the dog… Life is literally passing you by as you continue to do what you’ve always done.
You’re making the same mistakes - and maybe they look a little like this:
❌Thinking it’s always them that’s the problem - “all men are dickheads and that’s the end of it.”
❌Then when you do think it’s about you, telling yourself it’ll only happen when you’re ‘slimmer’, have ‘better skin’, or ‘got your shit together’.
❌Falling for unavailable guys who can’t, and will never, give you what you want.
❌Telling everyone (including yourself) that you’re too busy to date.
❌Hiding behind your work and not putting yourself out there because you’re terrified of getting hurt.
❌Settling for someone you’re not interested in, in the hopes they’ll change/you’ll fall for them anyway.
❌Settling for being on your own because ‘being single is easier’.
Simply put you're in avoidance mode
And the longer you wait to do the work, the longer you’ll stay stuck in this shithole of a cycle. In the same breath, I’m not going to sugarcoat it and tell you it’s going to be easy. It won’t be. We’re human. Sometimes, it’s going to be hard and you’ll probably shed some tears - and that’s okay. You just have to be really real with yourself and feel your fucking feelings. The aim of the game is about getting to know yourself more and start doing things differently.
Because you know what they say if nothing changes? Nothing changes.
My advice? Let this be the fire that gets you to step forward and finally do something about it!
Forget everything you've done until now because this coaching programme is for you if you're willing:
To stop putting your life on hold and start putting yourself FIRST.
To start working on yourself BIG TIME, by fixing the root beliefs that are causing all this shit to happen.
To spot those red flags from miles away so you stop wasting your precious time and energy.
To heal those past hurts and limiting beliefs, break the patterns that have been holding you back, and become more open and trusting of yourself.
To feel lighter, happy, giddy, free, and totally in love with yourself.
To exude that Samantha SATC energy where you know what you want and won’t settle for anything less.
For EVERYTHING to change because you’ve stopped waiting for a man to come riding in on a white horse - you know what you want, you know what you’re worth, you know anyone would be lucky to be with you and ultimately, you know YOU are the fucking love of your life.

How it’s going to work:
Project Love isn’t just any program—it’s built around my 'Meet the One Method', which is based on my personal experience and what I know works. Together, over 10 weeks, we will work through the program;
Wk 1: Meeting yourself where you’re at NOW.
Wk 2: Letting Go - Healing the Past
Wk 3: Building True Self-Worth
Wk 4: Reconnecting with Feminine Power
Wk 5: Setting Boundaries – Stop Settling
Wk 6: Getting Clear on the Love You Deserve
Wk 7: Trusting the Process – Patience & Surrender
Wk 8: Breaking Free from Old Patterns
Wk 9: Embodiment, becoming HER
Wk 10: Let Love In – Open Yourself to What’s Coming
Here's the breakdown:
1 x 1 hour call per week via zoom, 10 calls in total.
50 days of voice note coaching, week days, 9-5pm
Access to 'Meet the one rituals', for you to use throughout the program.
No more dealing with this on your own. I’m going to be here - through all of it, i'll be there when:
You’re spending another sunday on your own and the walls feel smaller than ever.
You’re surrounded by so much PDA by all the smug c*nts around you and all you want to do is cry.
You’re tempted to keep filling your diary at work to avoid putting yourself out there in the dating world.
You’re refusing to go on a date because you’re telling yourself ‘it’s not going to work out anyway, so what’s the point?’
You’re about to press ‘send’ on that text message to your ex because you’re feeling lonely and sad.
You feel like downing a bottle of red because you’re so fucking over it.
1:1 Program
3x Monthly payments: £740
1:1 Program
1 payment:
Group Program
1 payment:
Group Program
3x Monthly payments:
"Hannah helped me realise that I’m absolutely fine on my own. Yes, I do want to meet someone, but before working with Hannah, I was desperate and attracting all the wrong guys, which left me feeling awful and questioning everything about myself. Now, I’m not settling for just anyone because I know he’s out there, and until then, I’m living my life to the fullest and having fun".
Hey Lovely, I am Hannah,
Mindset and Self-Acceptance Coach, helping women like you feel good enough so you can open yourself up to love and all the good stuff life has to offer.
And before you think ‘Well, it’s all well and good for you, Hannah, you don’t know what it’s like…” Let me tell you a little story. Because before I ended up with the man, the house, and the dog, my life looked a whole lot different.
You see, I always thought I had to change something about myself to meet someone. Quite frankly, I was awful to myself. I sabotaged my body for years, constantly honing in on the parts of myself I didn’t like, and allowing my mind to be overrun by negative thoughts and beliefs - not to mention winding up in relationships with narcissistic arseholes. We’ve all been there.
Then in 2015, I decided ‘enough was enough’ so booked myself on a flight to a Goddess Yoga retreat in Ibiza. The short story? It was the best trip I’ve ever booked. I came back to myself. Learned to connect, nurture, and support myself. Felt worthy and deserving of meeting someone fucking fantastic. But most importantly, let go of all the pressure and expectations, and allowed life to do its thing. (Which turned out to be meeting my now husband just two months later!)
What I know now? Mindlessly scrolling on dating apps with a mindset of ‘this person is going to make me happy’, newsflash: doesn’t make you happy. What does? Being in a place of acceptance, trust, and knowing ourselves & what we want, so that we’re in a much better place to attract who we want in our lives.

Does your current reality Sound something like this:
It's time to...
Stop settling, stop waiting, and stop living life on someone else’s terms.
Start letting go of all the old hurt from exes and all the old stories you’ve been telling yourself.
Start being more open-minded to new experiences, new outlooks, and new guys you might not have considered before because they’re ‘not your type’.
Start living your life to the full, in the moment, whilst having fun with dating because you’ve taken the pressure off yourself.
Start becoming more of who you already are - so content and comfortable, with no need to hide or change.
Start having more self-awareness so you can spot those pesky red flags before they start waving madly in your face, because you know who you are and what you’re worth.
Start valuing yourself and your time, finally putting your needs above everyone else.
Start feeling excited about ‘what’s next’, totally satisfied with where you are right now, because what if it’s better than you ever imagined?!*
*Hint, it really, really is, and you know what?
By the end of this program, men are going to be chasing YOU because you’ll have this ‘no fucks given’ energy. You’ll have no room in your life for game players, ghosters, commitment phobes, energy takers, immature boys or alpha dickheads. When you walk into a room, heads will turn because your energy is so on fire. And you’ll be so connected to your inner Queen, you’ll be a mutha fucking super attractor!
So, the only question that remains is - are you ready for it all?
How do I know if this programme is for me?
This 10 week 1:1 coaching experience is for you if you’ve found the flow in your career but your love life is a disaster and you’ve almost given up hope. You know you’re meant for more but you’re struggling to get out of your current cycle of either settling for the wrong guy, or being on your own. Deep down all you want is to feel loved, desired, supported and protected -and you’re ready to do the work to help you get there.
When can I start?
Straight away - subject to availability! Once we’ve connected, we’ll agree on a start date before spending the next glorious 10 weeks together.
Can I pay in instalments?
Absolutely. Whilst you’re welcome to pay in full (£1,555), you can also pay in 3 monthly instalments of £518.
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